Blog Post #11

And just like that, another semester has come to an end. Looking back, I have learned a lot in EDCI 338, but more importantly, I have learned how to advance myself as a learner in both academic and personal life. Not only did I learn what a PLN is, but I also obtained the knowledge about furthering my already existing PLNs. As a science student, I am hardwired by the school to look at learning as reading, memorizing, and restating the memorized material. But this course has allowed me to see how learning can be done through socializing and networking. More importantly, it has allowed me to understand that socializing with various people online is me taking steps towards developing a PLN.

Upon learning the material from the course, particularly focusing on how to create a reliable PLN, and reading my fellow classmates’ posts, I practiced open learning and discussing various topics in my school club as a way to further that PLN. And behold! every member of my club participates. Furthermore, the engagement in my club has been higher than ever, all because I started conversations about different topics, reached out to people that shared similar interests and tastes, and most importantly, was genuine in my narrative and what I was sharing.

Because of everything I have learned so much in this course, I wanted to have a summary of our growth in this course. Thus, with my group members, we created a project and divided it up based on the topics that we enjoyed learning about the most and created a podcast of us talking the different topics. I was very excited because thanks to this course, I am truly enthusiastic about PLNs and their positive effects on a person, including myself. When creating the podcast, everything that I say is solely me reflecting on my own learning and understanding from this course. I was very proud of myself because I managed to learn and understand various topics and apply them to my real life. The best part is that I did all that without using my conventional way of learning (memorizing and restating). This just showed me that there is so much learn and so many ways to learn, and how the school can impact your daily life, even down to messaging people on social media.

Before this course, I was used social media a lot for learning. Either I was setting up study sessions, or asking for help on an assignment. But regardless, when using social media for learning purposes, I only focused on messaging one person at a time. But this course and reflecting on the readings, my focus has now changed, as I am beginning to lean towards creating and interacting with groups and communities, rather than an individual person. With the whole cancel culture being so active online, this course was a nice refresher in terms of highlighting the positive effects of social media and its potential towards supporting a learner.

One takeaway from me from this course is the importance of networking and PLN. I am sure to practice developing more PLNs and furthering myself but learning from the various communities and groups that share similar interests and career plans as me.


Blog Post #10


  1. jstruch


    Thank you for this post. I love your comment, “this course has allowed me to see how learning can be done through socializing and networking.” It makes my heart leap knowing that you are recognizing the same things as me. That we are learning every second of everyday and that the people around us, the ones we choose to be part of our process, are teaching us more than we ever could hope to know alone. I have appreciated all your posts, your truth, your vulnerability and your knowledge in this course. You have taught me more than you know and I appreciate what you bring to the table. I hope you have great success in your future and if you ever need an educator’s opinion or voice, I am here for you. Enjoy your summer.

    • brownsugar

      That is very kind of you! Thank you so much! Reflecting on our blogs, I do remember your and mine thinking towards our course material as well as approach to the blogs being similar. I guess it is true what they say, Great Minds Think Alike HAHAHAHA

      Have a good summer 🙂

  2. rianneyuen

    Hey Nav, I agree with how fats this semester has come to an end. I am so grateful you felt the same as me in regards to the final. I believe our podcast helped see everyone else’s view while understanding the course material. You helped encourage me to participate more which greatly developed my PLN. Great working with you Nav, good luck in the future.

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