Blog #5

“A strong PLN is both vital for helping create better learning and […] surprisingly easy to accomplish” (Woods, 2013).

This statement really stood out to me because it highlights the ease of obtaining new knowledge and implicitly deregulates the preconceived notion that some, including me at some point in life, have about how to gain knowledge. Personally, I began developing my PLN through TikTok videos. I was always amused by the idea of owning stocks but did not know where to start or knew anything about economics.

To gain knowledge about this topic, I downloaded TikTok and search “stocks”. I watched a lot of videos that taught how one trades, what platform to use, how to assess a company’s financial standing and growth etc. Tiktok is a great way to share information concisely and efficiently; the users are not bombarded with various theories or data and simply taught facts and quick methods. This was very helpful to me as I was learning a complex topic, stocks, at a fast rate.

Thanks to TikTok and commenting on various posts, asking for clarification and questions, I obtained enough understanding about stocks that I bought a few stocks. Communicating with individuals on TikTok allowed me to lay down the foundation of developing a PLN on this social media platform. Furthermore, engaging with peers on this app started my PLN on TikTok.

Furthermore, I discussed my new profound knowledge about stocks with my best friend, who was also keen on stocks but like me, shied away from the complexity and depth of it all. After weeks of researching, we bought shares in a company associated with cancer medication development, and within a month, we made a significant profit in our portfolio. The reason my friend trusted me and my learning about stocks is that I was candid with him regarding what I have learned, how I have learned it, and that I am willing to trust what I have learned because of the efforts that I had put into my learning. These attributes elevated my reputation and credibility within my PLN.

Something I have noticed is that when it comes to developing your reputation within a PLN (whether you are part of one or about to create a PLN), being active about networking as well as communication and disclosing as well as reflecting about the knowledge, with your PLN is crucial. One must be the change they want to see, and to have a PLN that welcomes new knowledge, topics and has strong communication, you must take part in such behaviors as well.

For building networks with individuals, I make sure that I am welcoming everyone’s perspectives and opinions. Furthermore, something that is crucial to me is that I must, at all times, be open about my interests, knowledge, and experiences. I feel like this is needed for creating a zone of sharing and expanding on one’s understanding with no judgment or criticism.

Ultimately, based on our generation and our desire to learn conveniently and quickly, social media platforms like TikTok allow users to post short videos. This limit to video length and the desire of the creator to share his/her knowledge, fuels this social media platform to be a strong ground for learning.


Woods, Bianca. “Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network.” T+D, vol. 67, no. 11, Nov. 2013, p. 70+. Gale OneFile: Business, Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.


Blog post #4: PLN and inclusion


Blog Post 6


  1. zongyujia

    Hello Nav! I totally agree with the idea that TikTok can be used as another digital platform that learners can use in creating their PLN. Just like you, I enjoy watching TikTok videos to learn something new. Unlike the contents in YouTube videos that are often long and full of ads, I like the content in TikTok videos more because it is short and direct to the point.

    • brownsugar

      I wholeheartedly agree with you but after spending so many years watching youtube, I think YT will always have a place in my heart!

  2. Hello, Nav!

    I had no idea that there were videos relating to Economics on TikTok. Seems like the short format could be effective for learning some topics.

    How is a user able to tell the information is from a reputable source? I know my little sister who is on TikTok was mentioning this video to me about missing women in BC and how certain ‘TikTok detectives’ decided the cases were linked, when just days later the RCMP released a statement that there was no connection between the cases. It seems to be for every video from a more reputable source there will be another with erroneous information.

    Would you say that attention spans are getting shorter? How might the educational system adapt to accomodate this?

    • brownsugar

      Hey! The information you obtain from tiktok is predominantly experienced based. In no ways is it backed up a primary source but rather an individual explaining what he/she knows, similar to that of most educational videos on youtube.

      Also, I didnt know that “tiktok detectives” were a thing but I am not surprised that one(s) used social media to explain a case/crime. Regarding your questions, I think our attention spans are becoming shorter but its a byproduct of our desire for convenience. I think the modern generation truly craves convenience and wanting something fast makes us not want to put in long term effort. Hence, why watch 10 mins vid when I can watch 2 mins with the same content. I think educational system should develop and invest in resources that allow the students to access material faster. Furthermore, educational systems should also focus on teaching in concise manner. So, rather than spending an our going in great depths about a chapter/theory, perhaps state the primary reasons, effects, and impacts on that chapter/theory that is essential to know and understand by the learner.

  3. akk12

    Hi Nav,

    Thank you for your post!!
    I recently have also wanted to learn about stocks and get into that. And instead of searching online, I have watched TikTok and Instagram videos to learn. Which is great because it is quick to the point.
    Furthermore, I really enjoyed your post I had a hard time writing about this topic as I did not know how to tackle it and you did such an amazing job

    • brownsugar

      Thanks for the compliments!! Honestly, my approach to the posts are speak your mind (formal and casual tone, write exactly what you think, and how you think), use a personal experience to connect what you write with what you have known/learned from your personal experience, and at the end, edit your grammar mistakes LOL. So far, it has served me well, let me know if you are having difficulty approaching any assignments! I would be more than happy to help 🙂

  4. jstruch

    Hi Nav,
    Thank you for your blog post. I love how you address TikTok. This is something I have just started working with. I must say you can learn so much from it in an interesting and engaging way. I follow a woman who is First Nations. Her purpose on TikTok is to share her culture with others and voice the importance of it. I learned how to make bannock and so many other things from her. As I am in the teaching profession I would share her videos on my PLN as a resource for others. I love how you take your informal/formal conversations with your friend into consideration. These conversations are incredibly valuable. I speak with my mom and dad often regarding parenting or anything really and they have so many valuable perspectives to share and information to give. I also love being able to offer some insights to them as well.

  5. japaneseteacher

    Hi Nav,
    This is a great post! I loved reading about the process of how you started branching out your interests and expanded your PLN through stocks. Your personal anecdote added more content to your blog which made it very interesting and relatable. Your reasoning on why you think certain strategies may be effective in fostering your PLN were supported by your experience and insights, which added credibility! I am inspired!

  6. patricia g

    Hi Nav! You wrote such a captivating blog post!

    Learning complex and intimidating concepts such as the Stock Trade was aided by the TikTok platform. This learning can happen through content creators who craft content to help you get to this level of understanding, and perhaps even quickly and enjoyably. How they help you is reciprocal in nature, that you help them too, even if through viewing or exposing others to this medium/interest in topic through this blog post. TikTok has seemingly revolutionized learning, especially how you expressed that the platform content creators teach in a concise, direct and engaging way. I could see how it could empower me as a learning medium through this potential accessibility. Perhaps, the algorythim would understand how I learn best and share related content to that.

    I also like that you tied in that being authentic is key in forming a PLN, and acting the way you would want a PLN to develop for you, whether through honesty, disclosure and helpfulness is key. I think there is a tendency to not fully tap into forging our PLN networks (like your close tie with your friend who you would go into business with) by sharing where we learn from and how we learned from it. This level of collaboration and transparency sounds like it built a foundation for a fulfilling and successful partnership.

    Also, does anyone use(d) TikTok to learn new material?
    Yes, when TikTok tutorials was linked for this week’s blog, I downloaded TikTok for the first time and it influenced my blog post and topic pick, definitely as I dove more into the world of my topic because of it. I am feeling inspired to use TikTok to learn when I’m next embarking on learning something new.

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